Keene YMCA Judo Club

Note:   There will be a Judo Tournament on February 8 at the Keene YMCA. Go to "News/Events" for more information.

Keene YMCA Judo Club  

The Keene YMCA Judo Club in Keene NH was founded over 50 years ago and has been in continuous service to the community since then, offering judo as a sport and leisure time activity.  Workouts are available for both junior and senior students. A major goal of the Junior program is to help the children enrolled to grow into responsible young adults. Therefore priority is given to the following:

·      Foster a safe environment

·      Have fun

·      Encourage self respect and respect for others

·      Develop body concepts and skills

·      Learn the skills of Judo as a lifelong endeavor as well as a sport


The Head Instructor (Sensei) is Ken Durand, a seventh degree black belt. Co-instructors Dan Durand (fifth degree black belt), Robert Hutchinson (fourth degree black belt), Dave Segal (second degree black belt),  Joe Jackson (first degree black belt), Matt McKibben (1st degree black belt) and Joel Pettit (1st degree black belt) round out the teaching staff. The instructors all have numerous years of experience in Judo.  


The Keene YMCA Judo Club is a full service program. Students may attend workouts strictly as a leisure time activity. However, for those who would like to compete, we generally host two tournaments per year at the YMCA as well as participate in other tournaments such as the Wildcat at UNH. We also offer belt rank advancement for those who so desire. 

Virtual Judo Seminars: On Thursday nights Sensei Ken Durand has been running a judo seminar on Zoom. The seminar is from 6:00pm-7:30pm. We also have a Tuesday night kata class from 5:30pm-7:00pm. We have worked numerous kata including the Nage no Kata, the Danish Renraku no Kata, the Joshi Goshin-ho and the Katame no kata. We are currently working on the Kodokan Goshin Jutsu which is a Self Defense form. Please contact Sensei Ken on our "Contact Us" page if you have not received an email from him and you would like an invite to either of these classes.

Sensei Ken Durand

Class Schedule

Saturday Classes are held from September to June. Wednesday classes are held year round with some weeks off during the summer.


Directions:  From Rt 9 west take NH-12N towards Walpole. Take Maple Ave/NH-12A exit toward Surry. Turn left at end of ramp and follow about 1/2 mile. Take a right on Summit Road. The YMCA will be on your left.

From Rt 12 when coming in from Boston, go down Main Street of Keene until you reach the rotary (Central Square). Go 3/4 around the rotary and take West Street. After you pass Walgreens on the left and go under an overpass, stay straight and West Street will become Park Ave. When you pass Yankee Bowling Lanes the YMCA will be seven tenths of a mile on your left. (Park Ave will become Summit Road)